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Disposable vapes & the dangers

PCSO Bex has been in Liskeard School and Community College everyday this week to deliver assemblies to every year group raising awareness of the dangers of vaping.  

The children have learnt that there in an increasing amount of illegal vapes being sold to under age children. Legal vapes should only provide the user with 600 puffs, any more is likely to be illegal. Any vapes being sold or advertised  missing the health warning is also likely to be illegal. It was also explained to them that they don't always know what is in their vapes. In 2024 Devon and Cornwall Police carried out an operation within 13 secondary schools across the force and worked with the staff to confiscate vapes and vape liquid, these were then tested and 15% of these contained Spice. Spice is a class B drug and is illegal. Spice and THC are a synthetic cannabinoid essentially created to stimulate cannabis. 

By June 1st 2025 we will see a ban on disposable vapes. 

Disposable vapes should not be placed in domestic or public bins as the battery can pose a fire risk. These should be disposed of at a recycling centre. We are aware many young people will carry vapes in under garments including bras and waist bands. This in itself poses a risk. 

Liskeard School is committed to supporting students and ensuring their school is a safe space. If any child would like help to quit or have any concerns they have been encouraged to speak to staff or a health care professional. 

Please speak to your child and know the risks involved. 

If you have any information about the selling of illegal vapes please contact CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111 or visit their website where you can remain anonymous.

PCSO Bex STEED 30169

Police Community Support Officer

Neighbourhood Team Liskeard - East Cornwall

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Keith Charman
(Devon & Cornwall Police, Neighbourhood Policing Team, East Cornwall)

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