The Police
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Hot Spot Policing, Virtual Environmental Visual Audit (VEVA) & Home Street Focus,


What issues are affecting you ?


Devon & Cornwall Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner are inviting you to take part in a new and ongoing Hot Spot Policing, Virtual Environmental Visual Audit (VEVA) & Home Street Focus, to hear their views about issues that are affecting you in your local area.


We want to hear from you about issues in your area as we work to improve safety in our towns and city centres. 


The intention is to provide a permanent way to survey our communities to ask for views on local priorities and topics such as anti-social behaviour (ASB), uniformed police presence, and how safe people feel Devon and Cornwall Police are asking if you would be kind enough to take time to complete this Virtual Environmental Visual Audit survey, your input is very much appreciated.


The aims that seek to achieve are listed below: 

  • To identify any Anti Social Behaviour in your community
  • To understand which physical environmental attributes which they believe may be increasing fear of crime 
  • To understand levels of trust and confidence of Devon and Cornwall Police in our communities
  • To increase community resilience working together with you.
  • To drive daily business to enhance communities experience in where you live and work
  • Please encourage friends, colleagues and family to register with us at https://alerts.dc.police.uk/ to stay in touch.


    Find your neighbourhood policing team and discover upcoming community contact point events in your area where you can speak with officers by visiting Your area | Devon & Cornwall Police (devon-cornwall.police.uk) Get local updates straight to your inbox by signing up to Devon and Cornwall Alert at alerts.dc.police.uk


    Devon and Cornwall Police request that you include contact details in this form so that one of our Local Policing Officers, staff, or our volunteer team can contact you regarding the concerns you raise.  All personal or business details will be handled in strictest confidence and retainment of any details will comply with GDPR.

    Data may be shared with partners of Devon and Cornwall Police where appropriate and relevant.  This information will be sanitised and not include personal details.  

    We would like to thank you on behalf of Devon and Cornwall Police for your time.

    Thank you.


    Please click here to complete the survey

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    Message Sent By
    Marc Sharman
    (Devon & Cornwall Police, Strategic Prevention Co-ordinator, Devon & Cornwall)

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