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Public rights of way - advice and information

Now the summer season is here, the Devon and Cornwall Police Rural Affairs Team would like to remind people to observe and respect the Countryside Code and, in particular, to ensure responsible and considerate use of rights of way. Take notice of local signage, use open spaces considerably following the ‘leave no trace’ principle and help prevent wildfires and protect the environment by avoiding the use of BBQ's or fires.


All land is owned and public access is governed by legislation which prescribes for a variety of access levels. Trespass and abuse of rights of way can have a significant impact on landowners, farmers, livestock, and wildlife. It can lead to conflict between users and place individuals at risk of injury from livestock or other landscape features. 


Basic Advice:

  • Ensure responsible and considerate use of rights of way. Check permissible use using maps and local authority information and do not deviate from the waymarked route.
  • Enjoy the countryside but keep to waymarked routes and abide by the Countryside Code: advice for countryside visitors taking particular care to leave gates as they were found. 
  • Keep your dog under close control and do not allow them to stray from the waymarked route particularly where access is across agricultural land. 
  • Landowners, in conjunction with other relevant bodies, should ensure public rights of way are appropriately marked and kept clear of obstructions. 
  • Understand waymarks and signposting and accurately follow the prescribed route.
  • To assist, the Rural Affairs Team have produced a short animation video explaining in more detail - Devon and Cornwall Police - Rural Crime - Trespass and Rights of Way - YouTube

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    Message Sent By
    Julian Fry
    (Police, PC, Rural Affairs, Devon & Cornwall)

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