The Police
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Suspicious circumstances, Exmouth

Police would like you to be aware of the following suspicious circumstances in your local area of Exmouth


Exmouth police have received two reports of  suspicious activity


The incidents took place some time between the end of January and the 2nd February In Brixington Lane and Elmfield Crescent.


A female has knocked on the door of an elderly resident purporting to be a plain clothed police officer and asked him about his CCTV system. The male invited the female into his house, when she realised it wasn't working she left the property shortly after.  

The female is described as white 5'6-5'8, wearing a navy/dark suit and well spoken with no distinguishable accent.

The second resident in a road close by randomly found a woman in her kitchen.  She was wearing a plastic apron and a dark/navy short waist jacket. When challenged the female stated she  was a carer and promptly left the property

The female is described as being in her 30's, slim build with an Eastern European accent.

No items have been stolen from either property.

It is likely there may have been more incidents that have not been  reported to police (possibly because residents are not even aware someone has been in their home)

If you have any information regarding these or similar incidents, please email exmouth@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk

Call 999 if an incident is happening at the time.


You can't pick out a criminal just by looking at them. If you don't know who  is calling at your door or you are unsure- don't let them in.

Always confirm the identity of people who call at your door.

Keep an eye out for elderly neighbours who may be more vulnerable to cold callers and fraudsters.

Distraction burglars - One person may keep you occupied at the front door while another one enters your unsecured home at the rear of your house.

Check for ID and if you are still not satisfied and you are unsure do not open the door.

Keep all doors and windows secure.




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Message Sent By
Karen Capey
(Police, PCSO, Exmouth)

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